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I am a third year student studying unmanned aerial systems at Purdue University.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Taking Photos in Different Lighting Locations using a Mavic 2 Pro


For this lab, the goal was to place the drone into different settings in order to experience different lighting scenarios to practice changing the camera settings to get a clear image. This was done through taking them manually, aperture priority and shutter priority. The auto setting was also used to give an "example" photo for us to try and match, although, like in the case of the hanger, the auto could overexpose an image so we were careful to not just put back in the same values that the auto set.

The first object was a large object in the hanger. Here the auto settings overexposed the image slightly so it was important to switch to manual mode to take out some of the brightness due to the large lights in the hanger.

The second object was outside, providing a different lighting situation that also needs its settings changed.

The third object was a small object in low light, which in order to achieve a low light the photo was taken under a table. Due to the extremely low light getting a photo with manual settings was difficult and a screenshot was forgotten, although the auto settings worked very well in the dark area under the table. 

The fourth was an object of choice. The object we chose was a clock in an average lit room.

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